Give Up

Thought Thought (Day 50: 19-Aug-2013)

the idea of giving up. 

In the recent history, who else can I site as an example for this quote, other than Steve Jobs?

After starting his dream company, reaching mentionable heights in the field, being thrown away from his own company would have made a weak person get into a cocoon with a one-way door.  He knew what success to him was and did not have a second thought about whether to try again or not. He knew never to ever to give up on one’s dream.

He knew the way to win again. He once again started a new organization NeXT Computer, which was acquired by Apple itself and he was back in his parent company as the de facto chief. He went on to rule the entertainment market owning PIXAR and Disney, as well.

Being a true entrepreneur, when his health deteriorated, he stepped down from his pedestal and bid a graceful goodbye to the kingdom he created.


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