Take Flight

Thought Thought (Day 41: 10 Aug 2013)

Against the wind and win. 

There was once this old fish in a small pond. He had always lived there. His family and the generations before him. It was in the midst of dense trees a little away from the concrete jungle. The pond was fed by a stream from up north. The fishes had the perfect home they could ask for; hidden from man by the trees, water cooled by the shady trees and allowing just enough sun to warm them.

Only few urchin kids from the houses on the edge knew of this pond. They loved it and the fishes were their friends. They used to bring treats for them like worms and puffed rice. The kids used to trace the path of the watering stream and play in it for hours together.

In the increasing hunt for land, humans started encroaching this area as well. They decided to empty the pond and use up all the area to build high rise living quarters. This fish in our story sensed something was amiss. He noticed too much of movement and noise around their abode. He warned the other fishes in the pond but they did not to believe him. They were so used to the comfort and had taken for granted that nothing bad will befall them.

In the following days, the other fishes too observed that the kids were shooed away by grown-up humans. Suddenly, there was such a force in the pond that the water seemed to move fast towards one direction. The younger fish in the pond got excited to see this gushing movement in their ever-silent pond and leapt in to the direction, never to be seen again.  The wise old fish sensed it was against the nature of the pond and adviced the rest to move up the stream before it was too late.

Since the missing of the younger fish, the rest of the crowd trusted the elder fish and started their tiring journey against the flow of water, towards the stream’s source. As you would have guessed by now, the pond was emptied and a dam was built along the stream. All the fishes from the pond made a wise move to go against the direction of flow and survived to tell their story to the generations to come.

When things go against you, realize that things are not always the way it should be and take the path not taken and succeed.


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