Never Give Up

Thought Thought (Day 87: 25-Sept-2013)

Remember why you ever began.

What a beautiful, powerful, inspiring quote this is. Thanks Rajesh for sharing this with me at the right time, just when I thought of giving up on this project. To many it may seem like something I do to kill time, but to me it is everything but that.

Somethings that you do may look trivial and stupid to the world. As long as you know WHY you started doing this, nothing else matters. You need to just keep moving ahead. What you want will eventually come to you.

I also want to share a favorite quote of mine here which I believe in with all my heart and soul.  “When you really want something to happen, the whole world conspires to help you achieve it.” from the book 'The Alchemist' and this is why I love Paulo Cohelo. His books are at times depressing since it is difficult for us to accept the truth in them. But I love his books all the same... you can judge me as you want. It will not change who I am and what I want in life :)


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